Thursday 28 October 2010

Anticipation stickman

For this week assignment we had to get an understanding of human figures actions. At first we had to observe someone jumping all leaping to get an understanding of the concept, after a couple of still drawing to see how the human body gets ready to jump we were given the task to create a stick man using the anticipation in jumping or leaping.
First I chose the scene I was going to use then see if I could simplify the scene to make it easier to animate. My first idea was to do two stick coming across some puddles. After planning out the storyboard I realise that two stick men would be a difficult task as both may cross path and become harder to differ for each other, in the end I decided to use one stick man for this animation.
After planning out my storyboard I went out to design a set frame so that my animation would stay within the line limit, after that I then designed the background and objects that would be in scene so that I can keep consistency within my animation. It may end result I was quite pleased with how it turned out although there are some flaws in my timing of the animation I was able to get all of the scenes I wanted.

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